Thursday, September 22, 2011

just photos

We head back east after an Ohio summer -- first through early morning commuters, then into sunshine and open country:

Friday, September 16, 2011


Hurricane Irene blew through here, swelled the Deerfield River beyond recognition, and opened my eyes a bit. Water is a reckoning.

Here the waters sweep across the athletic fields on campus, lapping at the door of the pressbox at the top of the football stadium:

Evening falls on the face of the waters at the end of the first day -- and it did feel biblical as the rains came and the waters rose.

This was main street in Old Deerfield, high water still a couple hours away. We were lucky. 30 miles to the north and beyond, Vermonters lost plenty.

Next morning, out come the paddlers.

Paul captured a couple new paths to the waterfall (thank you, Raymond Carver).