Sunday, June 27, 2010

Out of Morocco

We're already in Holland now, two days away from our flight back to the States. A few shots from the leaving Morocco and the arriving in Germany --

Hazel saying good-bye to Abderrahman on June 16...

Hazel and Paul on the tarmac next morning, June 17 (our 10th wedding anniversary) --

Last steps on Moroccan soil -- you can just see Hazel and Paul about to step up onto the rolling stairs --

Much of new Marrakech is a sprawl of apartment buildings on the outskirts --

And then the coast, from glorious above

We hit the cloud over central Europe --

And then descend into cool, rainy, green Germany

Hazel is excited --

And we're on new ground.

1 comment:

  1. Nice beautiful pics :) hope that you enjoyed your visiting to Morocco!
